Buffalo Wild Wings silences National Anthem: TO THE LIST! Boycott!!!!

What the hell is this force we are going up against?

America has long been the shining beacon of liberty. The gold standard of society.

Through our example, other nations have had to road themselves to compete with who and what we are.

Our example of how things should be has been shown to work. And, as a result, the standard of living for the entire planet has improved.

Throngs flocked here to be a part of the experience and enjoy the blessings of liberty, not just for themselves but for their posterity.

And, yes, building such a nation that will not perish from this Earth is hard work and some bad things have been done in the pursuit of liberty. I don't defend these stains, but I do ask if there was an alternative. In my mind, the only alternative to the murder, slavery, and degradation that did take place, was MORE murder, slavery, and degradation. The only thing that changes is the location.

We have made corrections ourselves. From inward influence.

But, now we are told we should be ashamed of what we are?

No. We have been the vanguard of freedom. To fail to recognize this is selective virtue signalling.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - losangeles.cbslocal.com