You can't change my mind.

There’s so many options with how to wear a suit and every single one of them looks unbelievable hot on women and they look amazing on women of all sizes, body types, etc etc.
I’ve seriously never seen a woman look bad in a suit.

My two dream suit combinations:

Waistcoat, shirt and tie with their shirt sleeves rolled up to the elbows.
No waistcoat, no tie. Just a shirt with a few buttons undone, an open suit jacket pushed behind them because their hands are in their pockets. Possibly also braces (the type that hold up your trousers not the dental type, though those can be hot too).
Shirt tucked in or out optional.

Extra points if any tie you wear is loosened to the point that you look like a disheveled detective after a long hard day working the case.

Any woman in any suit worn any way gets my attention, however, if any woman was willing to dress as a 1950’s gangster or maverick detective from a crime noir for me, i would instantly melt into a big messy puddle on the floor.

/r/LesbianActually Thread Link -