The market wins

By asking for me to change my vote to align with your interests you're asking for help. I'm not a violent thug, never have I threatened you with violence. If you don't pay your taxes you forfeit your freedom. If you don't resist no violence has taken place. If Utopias worked we would probably do it. If the threat of prison wasn't needed to get people to pay taxes then it wouldn't be used. I don't know why you think I'd rape someone but if you want to be a freeloader in my society then face the consequences. Either pay up or leave. The choice is yours. You try to take the moral high ground and say you'd willing pay instead of being forced to but you're lying to yourself. You're no different than the person who pirates a movie because if they like it then they'll buy it. It's still theft. If you truly believe in what you advocated and if it was true that reducing taxes increased donations you should be encouraging everyone to donate more because it should hold true that taxes will go down.

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