The terrifying reality of DMT is that DMT doesnt actually create the experience.

I definitely don't know the answer, but I could speculate that the particular combination of plants used in the mixture somehow calls up a particular aspect or layer of the psyche. I'm reminded of some of my own psychedelic experiences and early childhood dreams in which a lion appeared, which I often perceived to be an evil adversary, and later came to recognize as a teacher. I believe Jung and many other psychoanalysts recognized the motif of the predatory animal as representing an important and seemingly universal level of inner conflict.

Maybe I could further speculate that since (I assume) you were in an actual jungle where jaguars present a real danger, you were warned about their presence. Perhaps the real threat in your immediate surroundings called to your attention the aspect of yourself that is symbolically analogous to the jaguar.

With all that said I don't disbelieve the undeniable subjective experience of a strange, shared, synchronistic experience, especially if you were with people who you know well and trust. The lecture by Jung that I'm thinking of foremost as I'm typing this discusses both the image of predatory animals in dreams, and incredible coincidences like having a dream about a distant or estranged loved one on the day of their passing.

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