Build Blader dps

I'm 'Tony' on Muspell. I'm the top blader in terms of combat power and I've tried soooo many different things. I've discussed a lot with some others bladers and plenty of bladers ask me what they should do. Right now I like CDR the best. Items and 60 CDR in soul. I think a 30 in HP is a must as well.

In terms of skills, I've seen a couple different skill builds that work well from others and myself. 2h sword seems to be working better for me and a couple of the top bladers, especially in killing mobs. I go Shatter for the AOE with the 1% HP as damage as well. My main combo I do for clearing mobs is - Reversed Rage (sometimes I'll skip this skill if the mob group is small) - Raging Shout (elite) - Earth Cleaver (with the DoT jewel from crafting for more dps) - Charge (make sure to do it fast enough to get Raging Shout extra damage, they're now stunned for 2 seconds) - Cyclone Slash a couple times - Fierce Rage (crafted jewel works for more range as well in this one) to knock up. If youre 60CDR soul point procs just redo the combo usually. Do not pop your Reversed Rage a 2nd time too early, wait for the 15 seconds to die off. ALL of these things mixed with Rainbow Artifact have gotten me stuck in Lupa's at 25 to 50+ so far and still climbing.

You can mess around with changing some skills around if you'd like, but the thoughts behind this build is Earth Cleaver with the DoT jewel slotted, the Shatter auto attack bleed, and Reversed Rage will proc the Rainbow Artifact A LOT. I wouldn't swap those abilities, but you can mess with other things like Raging Shout/Charge/Fierce Rage with most likely a defensive or two ability.

Note: This will only get better with better CDR so you're not relying on the 60 CDR in soul, it's merely a bonus at that point. I kite like a whisper or War Mage a lot instead of face tanking things. I suggest testing Redemption and Iron Armor in place of Raging Shout and Charge or Fierce Rage. And also this build is not GREAT for bosses, but its not bad either. Currently testing a full 60 HP instead of just 30 HP, not sure how I feel about it yet. I also have some ideas for PVP builds that I want to test and discuss with my guild before anything else, but I will share them once more PVP things come into the game.

Good luck everybody <3, feel free to message me in game. I may not respond if I'm doing high level lupa's labyrinths, just message me again. Thats the full explanation of my build atm that is working well.

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