Bullock breakdowns on Washington's defense

If your friend hasn't watched the game yet, chances are he doesn't want to read 3000 words breaking down how bad the defense was...

Or he could have 4 kids he has to watch and hasn't had time to get into it. I just sat at the park with him for 30 minutes chatting about the game while his kids played.

Most of my followers on twitter aren't paying subscribers. They follow me for all the additional free content I post, like clips that didn't merit a full article.

So lets see that free content here. Post that stuff! Then we can all participate.

Saying you're fine with me marketing myself as long as you don't have to pay for it means you're not fine with me marketing myself.

Now you are getting defensive. What I am saying is that if you are going to have portions of your content that are paid, that is fine, keep them paid and keep them off the site. Post your free stuff here and let it go into your paid stuff if people so desire. If people have a question on your free content, that is answered on your paid content, direct them there, that is great too. Just don't post links to articles that have a partial sentence that you are calling content, because it isn't.

If other people spend 10+ years building up a following and produce content to post on here, chances are it's content that a lot of people on this sub would be interested in reading anyway.

So you are justifying it because you spent 10 years building up a following? Come on dude, that is great that you were able to do that, but that doesn't give you privilege on any level. I literally had no idea who you were until I called you out on your Reyes prediction, and I have been in this sub for years.

I appreciate you enjoyed my content while it was free, but at a certain point I have to try and make a living off it too or I can't afford to spend so much time and effort into producing it.

And that is fair, we all need to make money. All I am saying is post your free stuff here. Post your paid stuff with a nice summary to go with. Just do more than post a paywall link with one truncated sentence and call it content.

I want to stress the fact that I think your content is valuable to this sub. I enjoy reading your insights. Just keep the free content here and the paid content on your site. Reddits theology is based on sharing of free idea's, I am just advocating for us to keep it that way.

/r/washingtonNFL Thread Parent