Seeing Bernies chances diminish from a Canadian perspective

Trump, on the other hand, if not actually racist, is at least incredibly xenophobic and nativist,

No he is not and I get tired of seeing this everywhere. Wanting to prevent people from entering your country illegally is not xenophobic, and no amount of mental gymnastics will ever make it so. Trump even wants to reform the immigration system to allow more immigrants to come in (legally of course).

supports a massively budget destroying tax policy (huge cuts for upper tax brackets),

Ever wondered why big corporations try so incredibly hard to dodge taxes? We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world(minus a couple African countries). A lower tax rate would allow businesses to keep more jobs in America which would be very beneficial to our economy.

a return to health care policies of 20 years ago (no more protection for pre-existing conditions),

Now admittedly I don't know much about the current or previous health care system, but why should insurance companies be forced to accept people with pre-existing conditions? That's forcing them to lose money. Why not set up a program to help people with these conditions pay their bills?

buddies up the US with Russia,


enacts the most aggressive immigrant deportation policy we've ever seen,

How is this a negative?

and on top of all that completely scorns our relationship with the Western world

Can you give examples? Not saying you're wrong, just curious.

AND he has openly advocated, if not championed, the US committing blatant war crimes and human rights violations.

This one bothers me about Trump too. As much as I hate that he said those things, if he were to be elected he wouldn't be allowed to carry out any of it.

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