What do you guys think about his policy idea for Muslims?

That's correct, but you posted to someone else and showed a lack of understanding his policy. If someone is a Muslim American then they are... American. He never suggested kicking anyone OUT of the country. He suggested TEMPORARILY prohibiting Muslims from ENTERING the country-- and as long as they are NOT citizens then they are not protected by our constitution and thus there is legal basis for him to do this.

Why would he want to do this? Well-- first you have the undocumented refugees coming from the Middle East. Who the hell knows who they are, how old they are, their past, their intentions etc. We absolutely need to keep them out, just look at Europe who is sinking into the abyss. Sweden especially.

And then you have other Muslims. Some, hell probably MOST are fine people. But we have a problem going on right now. Islam is breeding radical jihadists. These are people who are literally waging war against Western civilization and America is the prime target. Surely there aren't many, right? Actually there are a lot-- they have enough people to run a country right now. Now, let's take a step back and look at some actual data:


I just pulled this up. Let's look at the countries at the bottom of the list. They are countries that view America unfavorably. Oh dear. What do we notice? This shit isn't made up. Muslim countries, IN GENERAL, hate America. This is a fact. And we have enough problems in our country with Christianity causing intolerance but the intolerance practiced by many followers of Islam is utterly shocking. These aren't even necessarily jihadists, but their intolerance is VERY troublesome for our country which believes in women's rights and gay rights, etc.

So, is it a bad thing to temporarily halt non-citizen Muslims from entering? No, I don't think so. He only suggested it for a year or two-- likely long enough for what he believes is to crush our main threat of ISIS.

Having said that, I personally believe he will not go through with this. Why? He has backed off this issue considerably. Yes, recently he did say members of Islam hate Americans. He didn't even say most of them, he said a lot of them. Look at that chart, he's absolutely right if you don't believe him on that. BUT, he has definitely backed off the Muslim ban and hasn't been restating it-- he says we need to look into the problem, but has not been talking about the ban. Notice it's not even on his website as a policy or issue. I think he realized it was unpopular (I don't understand why) so he decided to back down and let that idea go.

I think I covered the topic fairly thoroughly.

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