Monday Majlis | March 14, 2016

You're still insisting that Afghanistan's Islamization was somehow "grassroots" without really having anything to show for it.

What you fail to see is that it doesn't matter if it was grassroots or not. You're also ignoring the fact that the Taliban are proponents of pashtunwali, not sharia a law in its Saudi incarnation. Therefore in many respects it's not a "movement" as such, it is tribal culture. Grassroots or not it literally has no baring whatsoever on anything I said because it does not change the fact that Afghanistan is where it is now as a reaction to invasion. That was my point, and now when hustled into a corner even you concede.

, but belief in social progress and in evolution are two separate thing

Are you going to click the link or embarrass yourself some more?

I did not create this theory (hence me calling it a myth) I simply object to its pervasive narrative which found its way into your assertions on what and where Afghanistan should be.

and then with a feat of mental acrobatics you decided that I hold this amazing idea and that you needed to be a hero and defend against it.

Or maybe I just debated you because I disagreed, lol. I don't tend to psychoanalyse people on the internet, I don't know anything about who you are as a person and I don't honestly care. This is not a personal crusade, I just enjoy arguing, it is reddit, get over it.

And I don't see the link to enlightenment, liberalism, or new atheism either

Like I said, pick up a philosophy book. Given that you debate like a redditor I would recommend looking up Humanism and make your way from there. It's not my job to educate you and prove to you that concepts and "notions" you've never heard of do exist, especially when if faced with evidence to the contrary you try to save face by feigning knowledge after you just claimed I made it up.

And drop the arrogance, it only works when you know what you're talking about.

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