I feel lost. How do I proceed with courses ?

OP, you and I are on the same boat. About to graduate from comm school, and only now became really interested in programming, ML. I'm taking the semester off so i'm free to dedicate my time to CS until June, when my internship starts.

I finished CS50 and MIT6.00.1x in 5 days each. Picked up a little bit of C, Python, etc. And am working through a book on web app development (since my priority is "monetize" first, intellectual venture later.) I expect to be back on the CS track by April, after some experience with web app development.

I realized that review is key when working extremely rapidly throughout courses. I re-read my notes from past classes every two days to keep my memory fresh. There's always something you forget, in terms of small details.

I also recommend using books as resources whenever it is possible to completely forgo online courses. I found that the speed in which I read and absorb is way faster than the speed with which lectures mete out information. And books are way more detailed than lectures can ever be. That's why for web app development I just got a good book, and started working through the example.

I realized goal-setting really helps w/ regards to pacing yourself. Reading-wise, I noticed I usually do an average of 100 page a day--any more than that and I begin the falter in retention. So, if I have a 400 page book, I set myself up to finish it in 4 days--give or take an extra day, to do problems.

Settling into a routine I think also helps. I usually start my study late --at around 11 AM. I jog, play games, work out, mess around, till then. And at 11, then sit down and study throughout the day.

Anyways, hope my advice helps :P

PM me if you want a fellow student to talk to on your journey.

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