Buying advice

Oh man. Where to begin

First, you need to figure out how much range you need on a single charge, and also how easy/not easy it will be for you to charge up. That can lead you to longer range options like the Volt or Honda Clarity (plug in hybrids with BOTH electric and gas technologies) or those with shorter ranges like the older Leafs and VW eGolf. Tesla has quite a bit of range and has supercharger network, so it's kind of in its own category. Newer Leafs also have longer range

You should also consider overall longevity of battery, particularly if you're going for all-battery car like older Leaf. They've got known problems of battery degradation

I personally went for a 2014 Volt with 49K miles because of the cost, styling, and my lifestyle, which allows EV charging every week or so at a charging station but not reliably consistent. And I drive a total of 50 miles a week anyway.

/r/volt Thread