Came back to work only to to find this controversial customer complaint.

I had to spend money that I couldn't afford to try and stop my ex from leaving the state and moving half way across the country with my children. I lost and hardly saw them again after that. I've seen over and over again good men that are destroyed by a system that takes everything from them and offers almost nothing in return. it's hard to feel sorry for a drug addict that loses her kids when most guys will never have a prayer of getting custody no matter how dependable they. That doesn't even begin to get into the psychological warfare that the mothers inflict on the fathers when it comes to seeing the children. In my case I was punished by the mother for trying to get joint custody. She was unhappy about that and decided to cut my visitation time in half as a punishment. Many women experience power and control for the first time in their lives and become tyrants that use their children as weapons against the father. The also love to cry abuse even where there is none. I've yet to meet a young single mother that doesn't at least imply that she was in an "abusive" relationship. Again the victim status is incredibly powerful and they know that can milk it for endless sympathy and support while avoiding responsibility for their bullshit. That was my original point in all of this. That's what makes women worse when it comes to irresponsible behavior. They are sheltered from the consequences and often rewarded for their poor choices. It's only when they screw up so badly that it can no longer be overlooked that anyone bothers to hold them accountable. Most men don't have that luxury. We are always the bad guy to victim status of the single mothers. No matter what we are always in the wrong. We are always the enemy and must treated as such. To do otherwise is to diminish the plight of the unwed mother.

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