February 3rd Patch Notes (7* Vitos FINALLY)

Vitos Active has gone from "Increase critical chance by x% and increase attack by x% for each target" to a flat "Increase critical chance and attack by x%"

His critical chance and reflex debuff totem is now "Take x% damage and increase attack by x% for each target."

His unique ultimate passive is Devil Rage. Goes from "Increase critical chance and attack by x% when under 80% health" to "Increase critical chance, attack, and penetration power by x% when under 90% health".

"Replace" function added for Spirit Stones. The "Replace" function is where the "Remove" function used to be, while the "Remove" function is now on the equipped Spirit Stone. You press "Switch" to be taken to the Spirit Stone Equip screen. You choose a Spirit Stone to take the original Spirit Stone's place. You then press "Replace" to change the Spirit Stones. The fee for removing the Spirit Stone will automatically be applied, and the newly chosen Spirit Stone will be equipped.

Spirit Stones can now be scouted for GP. You can preview the main attributes, but the sub-attributes are random.

As a result of Spirit Stones being added to Scouts, the chances of finding 3-Star and 4-Star players have been lowered. Chances for 5-Star players and Gatekeepers remain the same.

Items with unique functions and icons have been added for the Mail Rewards. They're gonna show up in various events.

4-Star and 5-Star players have a chance of being Level 30 when you Draw them. If you draw from the Event Tab, then only 4-Star and 5-Star players of that event have a chance of being Level 30. For example, if you draw a Jin and a Shu from an Ardor event, Jin will always be Level 1 while Shu has a chance of being Level 30. 3-Star players will always be Level 1.

The scrollbar for your Mail and Achievements is bigger so it's easier to navigate them.

New rewards for Galaxy Super League. You can get 3-Star Beelzebubs depending on your rank.

Not bothering with bug fixes. Sorry for shitty formatting.

/r/soccerspirits Thread