Camping stories

This is one of my first posts on here, but I figured I'd make the additional effort.

I'm originally from Southern, WV. I have two pretty close friends who are really into the outdoors, fishing, camping, etc,. One weekend, they got together and had a friend drop them off around a river in a very rural area in WV. They were fishing throughout the day, and camping in their tent through the night. If I remember correctly, they didn't have a fire or anything built, so they were relying only on flashlights for light.

According to both accounts, one night, they heard footsteps close to their tent area. One of the friends woke up to the sound of leaves in the pattern of how a person walks. He woke up my other friend, and they began listening. Rocks began to be thrown at the tent from the hillside. They said they just kept still and silent with a hatchet by their side when a flash light began to come up on the tent. They described the light hitting the tent in a really concentrated way, cluing them in on the fact that the person outside the tent was merely feet away. It was at that point that both of my friends unzipped the tent and tried to run up on whoever was on the other side of that tent. To their surprise, no one was standing there.

Quickly, they scrambled and gathered all of their gear, tent, etc,. for the trip and got back on the river, paddling in the pitch black of the night. They would rather risk being on the river without being able to see in front of them than to stay another moment in the area where they pitched their tent. One of my friends managed to climb up onto a ridge and called his wife to come pick them up. To this day, they never found out who or what it was, and why anyone would be out in the middle of nowhere in a random spot where they pitched their tent.

/r/UrbanLegends Thread