Can AM post a top-level comment instead of replying to the comment it is processing

I originally had this code:

 #Automod Summon - shadowbanned

    type: comment
        is_moderator: true
    body(includes): 'autoexplain-shadowban'
        set_flair: 'autoremovedsb'
        action: report
        action_reason: AUTOMOD summoned - can ignore
    comment: 'works'

    moderators_exempt: false
    reports: 1
    flair_text: 'autoremovedsb'
    set_flair: 'Removed'
    action: remove
    comment: |
        Hey OP! Unfortunately you appear to be shadowbanned site-wide on reddit. The most likely reason for this is posting many links to a single (usually your own) channel or website, which goes against reddiquette and is considered spamming. You can try [contacting reddit admins]( to see if they will reverse it - otherwise everything you post (including comments) remains invisible to non-moderators. 

    This is a site-wide ban implemented by the admins and outside the control of the moderators of /r/asmr. If you haven't already, it is recommended that you read up on [reddit's guidelines on self-promotion]( and the [spam FAQ]( (it'll only take a few minutes!) Thanks for your interest!

...but it didn't work. It replied to my comment (the one containing "autoexplain-shadowban") with "works", and it reported the post. It didn't seem to set the flair though, so the second rule never executed.

I tried pasting in your code exactly as you wrote it, changing nothing. I tried again (using a comment containing "!remove" instead of "autoexplain-shadowbanned") and it did exactly the same thing - report worked, flair didn't.

Any idea why?

/r/AutoModerator Thread Parent