Can I get some life advice?

I had an ex like this. She would constantly lose her job and used to brag about her old job where she said she made good money (it wasn't great btw but I didn't have the heart to tell her). My life at the time was on track, and I seemed to be going well. I had to hide that side of my life because she'd get jealous and would be super pissy when things were going well for me. There were other red flags I should have taken notice of, but I was in love.

I'd downplay things. I'd give her all my sympathy and attention, which I felt she appreciated, but she was also a ticking time bomb. I'd occasionally low key things because I wanted her to know what was going on in my life.

Had I been direct in showing her how great my life was going, I think she'd lept through the mic and slap me around.

Admittedly, I started to distance myself and watch my words around her. It became like I was walking around on eggshells. Not fun.

I know partners are meant to lift your spirits and be there for each other through good and bad. But sometimes, having to squish your own light for someone else for too long is just as damaging.

If you can tell her little bits and pieces, then keep doing it. Tell her you want to share the highs with her since she's your partner. She can't be jealous or irritable all the time. If she is, then I'd take that as a red flag.

/r/ActualLesbiansOver25 Thread