Can someone translate this?

"In some lesbian couples, one woman presents herself in the manner traditionally categorized as 'feminine', and the other as 'masculine'; but this doesn't mean that they're merely imitating heterosexual couples.

"In other couples, both women behave in a 'feminine' manner; these, too, are serious and valid relationships.

"If a woman is attracted to other women, but she's currently single, she's still different from heterosexual woman – even if her demeanor is socially acceptable as 'feminine' and indistinguishable from what's expected from heterosexual women.

"A woman may present herself in a manner considered to be 'masculine', and still identify as a woman. This is different from transsexual men.

"If a transsexual woman feels more comfortable doing 'masculine' things, it doesn't mean she's not a woman; one is not required to perform the social traits of 'femininity' in order to be a woman, or a lesbian.

"Society tries to fit all people into two categories, 'male' and 'female'. Some women feel comfortable into the 'female' category, while others don't. But just because a woman presents herself in a 'feminine' way, it doesn't necessarily means she's comfortable with the binary gender division. Similarly, the fact that a woman presents herself in a 'masculine' way doesn't mean she's not comfortable with a 'female' identity.

"All women who love women are valid, and our own existence is enough to challenge the repressive and unfair societal norms that try to artificially regulate who people can love, or how they should behave, depending on their gender.

It would take you all of three minutes to google the four or five words you didn't know, and you'd learn something.

/r/ofcoursethatsathing Thread Link -