Not lazy salting algorithm

No, it's not recommended because bigger and bigger cryptographic attacks keep getting published, eventually that'll mean a complete break, and that probably won't be that far from now.

What you're doing is speculating. That's your personal opinion.

Current issues are not brute force, there's much more sophisticated password cracking methods than brute force and rainbow tables, both are effectively obsolete.

There is no method that exists at this time that will efficiently reverse engineer a set of passwords hashed in this method (even with a pseudo random generated number as the salt). You are just showing that you have no experience in the area you're talking about.

What the fuck are you even talking about? You're just pulling numbers out of your ass. It takes seconds to generate MD5 collisions, and only a few hours to find a chosen-prefix collision, both on decade-old hardware.

I said a collision that would work. As in one that would work as the ACTUAL password. Just because you get a collision against a salty hashed up password, doesn't mean you have the password or even a working string that can act as the password. This is my biggest problem with PHP "developers". Everyone of them I've ever seen on the internet tend to know nothing about real programming. They just read security blogs, join seminars, and probably even learn how to code from a box.

I think the part that makes me laugh the most isn't your lack of knowledge, level of incompetence, or even your inability to prove me wrong. The part that makes me laugh the most is that you even repeat yourself like having the last work makes you even slightly more authoritative or right than you were before:

Face it, you're doing things wrong. Swallow your pride and just admit it.

My final conclusion is that you must still be working at a grade school math level, because you've yet to prove or disprove anything. Come back when you have my password. Even better yet, feel free to login to my account and post as me, admitting that I'm wrong. I give you full permission to do so IF you do so by reverse engineering that MD5 hash.

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