Can we tone down the Gaijin Hunter toxicity?

Man, this comment section is why I tend to feel pretty uncomfortable here. A lot of people are here to just throw poop and attack someone personally.

I agree with OP btw. I don't know the guy, I don't care about the guy. I just had a look at what he supposedly did and it definitely does not warrant whatever the frick you guys are doing here. I said it once before, but go on Twitter if you wanna have drama and fight. They'll welcome you.

Also, as a sidenote, he probably looks at MH subreddits or gets linked to them. How the hell would you feel if you saw a pretty vocal part in a subreddit shitting on you and getting hella personal while doing it? That must suck. I feel for the guy, don't do this.

/r/monsterhunterrage Thread