I can't stand javascript.. (Xpost)

(response to a comment you deleted)

So some comments are clearly making you at least a little uncomfortable. Let me try to say something constructive.

You've got experience, possibly extensive, but it is in something which is significantly different from the thing you're attempting now. To anyone who's done significant work in both JavaScript and one of the languages you're coming from (C# and Java, which occupy very similar places in the landscape of programming languages) you do sound inexperienced.

There are different patterns of thought you have to pick up to be effective in JavaScript, and one problem a lot of people face is that they want to write it exactly like they write Java or C#. If you treat it as Java-but-worse you'll write substandard JavaScript and you'll be unnecessarily frustrated. JavaScript doesn't try as hard to be Java as Java does. There are different concepts to pick up here. First-class functions and lexical closures that operate by reference are incredibly powerful once you get them. Prototypal inheritance is a useful tool. Promises are a good tool for async code. JavaScript's dynamic nature means you can easily do things that Java would not allow, and/or things that Java would require much more verbosity for. If you take advantage of JavaScript's capabilities in a disciplined way you can accomplish wonderful things. (Yes, there are some warts on the language, as well as a few features that are best avoided. But the comparison with Java and C# hardly goes one way.)

It also sounds like you don't have a lot of experience picking up new programming models or paradigms. You might be just as lost or just as infuriated picking up Rust or Haskell or C (C: 'what do you mean I have to worry about memory management? A good language should take care of that for you!'). Please, open your mind and take the attitude "I will learn what I need to be effective" rather than "This is bullshit and I will resent every last line of code I write".

Again I hope this is constructive criticism of your attitude.

/r/programming Thread Link - np.reddit.com