The Cassette Tape ARG may be linked with an existing ARG called Waking Titan - Details Inside

Well, I'm new to ARGs, in fact two hours ago I had to look up what that even means. But after looking at the cassette thing and WT, I'll all geeked up, and I want to throw my amateur's two cents in. XD I figure it's either:

a) just Waking Titan, and they're putting some of their clues in NMS, or

b) it was always NMS, but they launched it as WT to just let it simmer and get started before showing links and stuff.

Well, there's probably a lot more options, but I said two cents, haha.

Personally I think it's b. That's what I'd do. You launch a NMS mystery and that'd be cool, but you launch some other mystery and it's cool on your own, but wow holy cow it relates to this other thing I like? Now I'm hype!

It's feasible that WT decided to hide a NMS coordinate in their hint and have someone "find out" that it is a NMS coord, just to expand their audience and all. I don't buy the line that it's malicious and the WT ARG is jealous of the NMS ARG, because all that's coming from HG is the cassettes which so far seems to be a red herring?

With WT's icons being ships and stuff, their very name a nod to the Atlas, and the fact that the cassettes exist—all this for my money suggests it's all one big ARG. If it's just WT doing an ARG then it's too much of a coincidence that NMS is doing something at the same time.

Anyway :D I'm excited for this Seychelles thing right now.


/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread