When you boot up NMS for the first time

It's me in the tent, little info about the trip. I was stuck in a storm for nine days. It was impossible to get out of there. While I had to do everything to survive, the tent fabric was torn in six different places. A tent pole was broken off, also two of the guylines and one more close to. So in the meantime there were ongoing repairs on the tent.

I never got any warning from the weather forecast until it was too late. The first two days I was buried in a snow bivouac. Then in a gap in the storm I skied two kilometers then the storm broke out again with full force. Then it was trapped seven days stuck in the tent. After a total of nine days I was able to get out of there.
It was deeply mentally hard, but it gave me a good portion of experiences I don't want to be without.

/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread Link - v.redd.it