Weekly Bug Report Thread

PC (Steam)

This is a newly purchased game on Steam after having the same issue on XBox Game Pass NMS. I've been doing the Base Construction quest line. I've gotten to the Farmers quest to learn growing recipes and on both the X-Box Game Pass and Steam, when I go to grow the first plant (Gutrot) it can be "planted" but the plant immediately shrinks and I get a red prompt in the middle of my screen saying "can't plant outside / Invalid biome".

I am planting in a hydroponic tray (the ones he taught me) with plenty of power. No addons. Drivers up to date. Game files are verified. Everything is vanilla from what I can tell (original with nothing added). All systems up to date.

I will say that the quest did 'complete' when I clicked to plant to Gutrot. So I am guessing I can continue with the story, but I can't farm any flowers which will make procuring enough units for nicer things later very difficult. Plus, I just like farming =)

I couldn't find anything related to this issue. Anyone else know anything about this?

/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread