The chancellor of University of Nebraka - Lincoln reinstated this frat in 2020 even thought it has 66 cases of sexual assault. Why is this university go out of their way to protect a bunch of rapists?

you’re here just telling everyone what they already know, coming off at best unsympathetic and at worse a rape sympathizer, even if you’re neither.

The typical popular left narrative of "if you don't blindly 100% agree with us, you're X", usually sexist or racist, but in this case "rape sympathizer.

An entire generation raised to think they can do anything as long as their passionate enough. Well guess what, (the collective) you can't. Institutional organizations are in place for a reason. Your hearts are in the right place, and you're all angry you can't make progress at the pace you want. Inertia exists. Judicial reform for sexual crimes will never happen over night, but it can happen in your life time IF you go about it the proper way (spoilers, reddit isn't the way). Mastarbatory comrodary about wishing for immediate justice for a particular case doest accomplish anything but raise your blood pressure.

The average high schooler reads and understands math at about a 5th grade level. It appears their understanding of juridical systems is par for that course as well.

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