Checked some audio they tried to run thru deep dream and it was bad, what's up with that?

Here's what I posted over there.

You guys are barking up the wrong tree trying to use audio thru deep dream. That thing uses images not wav files. Use spectrogram images then photosounder to hear audio from that. You geeks and nerds can get 'er all goin that way. So you'd be doing it with images, and don't use all those dogs and bird images. You'd need a database of spectrogram audio images from sounds. I got a shitload of sound effects libraries if you need those. Also don't go hog wild trying to fire 'er up with full songs, thinking it can make tunes for you, use simple noises. Get it to make some groovy sounds. Then take what it does with that and make tunes with those. This thing ain't gonna make tunes. What it can do is groovy up sound effects. Can't just fire in whole songs then get a bunch of frequencies sounding like garbled garbage, not gonna work. Ya get where I'm coming from with this? Y'all's barking up the wrong tree all the way 'round. lol

ok so here's what you'd have to do. I got photosounder. Opened up a wav file and then I can save a bmp of the spectrogram. It only does 1 file at a time though. If I open up that bmp though with it again and press play it's pretty close to if I played the wav. What you'd need to do is be able to have it batch file shit this way. You can maybe talk to the guy that made the program. He got back to me one time about something.

So you'd have it batch file all those 13k 30gb sound effect libraries, save those as bmp files. Then you use all that for your deep dream database instead of dogs and fish and stuff. Now you'd take whatever simple sound effects and run it thru the deep dream, see what it does. Don't do whole fucking songs thinking it's gonna make some mozart for ya. What it would do is groovy up some simple noises, see what it does. Then you can play around with those. Would that work?

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