What's the worst thing that has happened to you due to a (possibly huge) misunderstanding?

I'm not sure if this is the worst, but my daughter's first day of kindergarten was scheduled two days after I had jaw surgery. I had planned to drive her to and from school most days, but since I was recovering from surgery and going to be on pain meds I scheduled for her to ride the bus for the first week.

So I sent her to school on the bus, then halfway through the day, I realize that I'm feeling a lot better and should be fine to drive for the rest of the week. I called the transportation center and tell them to send her home on the bus today, but starting tomorrow, I would be driving her.

At 4pm, I'm sitting at home in my pajamas, which consisted of a ratty tanktop with no bra and some pajama pants, waiting for her to walk in the front door. Quarter after, I get a phone call from the school asking me where the fuck I am because this kid hasn't been picked up yet. I hopped in the car and sped all the way over there.

I can't even begin to describe how much of a train wreck I looked like on that date. My face wasn't too swollen, but it was bruised. I looked like I'd been in a bar fight. I was slurring my words because of the procedure. They had tried to start my iv like five times, so I have bruises and track marks up my arms. I'm wearing these nasty pajamas and no bra. My hair was a rats nest from laying in bed all day. The woman sitting with my daughter took one look at me and I could tell her impression isn't good. I tried to explain the situation but I can't talk very well, so I just gave up and drove my kid home.

Like a month later, I went to an aerobics class that I'd never been to before and was chatting with the women in the class beforehand. One of them happened to be that very woman who was sitting with my daughter that day. I explained the situation and how I was waiting for her to be dropped off by the bus and she laughed. She just flat out told me she thought I was a crack head and a horrible mom when I walked up (talk about tact...) and how hilarious that misunderstanding. Apparently she had gone to the principal and spoken to her about the situation and I very narrowly escaped having them call CPS.

/r/AskReddit Thread