Climbed to 300f right before maintenance starts. My hand still hurts from knifelocking almost every hater. They get so tanky up there, especially the last 20 floors

Thanks Heartfield, the climb was long but definitely not boring. Kc economy is really important especially for the amount of damage I deal. Killing every hater and opening every chest at the early floors makes it possible to buy m2g every 15 to 20 floors. To save ammo, hitting bow headshot is important and also a good way to lure one hater from the group of hater. Still its hard to hit the bow so I had to rely to crushroom + consistent knife headshots (rip superhelmet and poison master haters) on hater This build doesnt really one shot anything, even with a +19 flail and goldensting lol. The secret to screamer pits is food fighter for fast shrooming, lots of mouseshroom and pumpkinshroom for rage, and emperor rage. Fortunately I had lots of WE pits which had more area to cover than other pits like milk pits where I had to eat helmet or guardshroom to survive even with emperor spam. But the real secret to my successful climb is holding out on using lots of shroom in pits until 260f+. Use crushrooms on screamer pits and limit shroom use to 1 or 2 shrooms in bosses on 200-260. Pits below that is shroomless pits. Climb with 5 golden sting at the start of tengoku so you have a free pass (not really) on 5 pits of ur choice. Hoping to see you reach 300f soon senpai. Happy climbing

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