Have you ever had a personal rivalry in an MMO or otherwise? What was it like?

This isn't a rivalry, but more of a story with a sort of sad ending. I was the co-founder of the largest twinking guild of my realm in WoW.

My name was "Ko" (with a weird o) and I had met a friend named "Healzftw" when getting a run through a dungeon. We added one another as friends and occasionally ran dungeons together. She mentioned having an older brother, which could very well have been her all along, but I have no way of knowing. He was amazing, had his level 80 main and a twink rogue of his own.

Anyways, one day Healzftw and I decided to start our own twinking guild called "twisted". As we got better at the game, our guild grew more and more. It went from just the two of us to over two hundred members, the largest twinking guild in our realm at the time. I remember spending hours grinding out certain items with guild members, my most prized being the lucky fishing hat and the arena grandmaster trinket.

We would host premade Warsong Gulch teams frequently, buffing ourselves like crazy beforehand. We were horde, and there were certain Alliance twinks that we recognized, but more often than not it was just a pubstomp. Healzftw and me were really good friends, and looking back, those were the funnest days of WoW for me.

But then the twink nerf rolled around, making it so pvp matches gave you exp, and if you were to turn it off you would only be matched against others who had it off. Certain classes seemed to rule these twink wars, and rogue wasn't one of them. Hunters seemed to dominate, and playing on quickly lost its charm. Call me a dick, but pubstomping was really fun.

So, I raided on my main account for a while. Healzftw and I hardly talked after the twink nerf, and most of our guild members were pretty much permanently offline. Twisted was, more or less, dead.

Eventually, I left WoW. This happened sometime before cataclysm, with no real reason to come back. I couldn't make it to most of the raids, and there was no reason to play on Ko, so I had no reason to play anymore.

A couple months back I renewed my subscription, thinking I'd start playing again. I found I didn't really enjoy the game like I did before and stopped soon after. Before the subscription ended, I remembered about Ko, and twisted, and Healzftw, and decided to see what ever became of the whole situation.

So, I briefly logged in to check. It'd been more than a year since I'd even seen this guild, and what had become of it. Amazingly, there were still quite a few members, but none of them were active. Twisted had disappeared. Still overcome with nostalgia, I looked through all the names of our guild and enjoyed the memories of each one, until I finally checked the last guild message Healzftw.

"I wish Ko would come back" - 1 year ago

Damn. I can't stop wondering what ever became of Healzftw. That was the closest online friend I've ever had.

/r/Games Thread