Got a Max Axe from expedition, if you wanna see stats/pic

I noticed as you have a lot of posts recently and most are actually down voted

At the time you commented my most recent were not downvoted lol

just something I noticed as you have a lot of posts recently and most are actually down voted

Blatant lie. i can check my comments now and some don't have any votes from others some have upvotes and some have downvotes even tho they add to discussion. Odd you don't call these guys out for abusing the system but oh well. So this is not most ;)

Also you could have just messaged me instead of out of the blue commenting on here. Seems like you want to stir something up.

Anyway back to work for me next week so you won't see as much as me. I see quite a few boys on here don't like an opinion about a game opposed to their own. This site needs more guys like ChemPop,Cruyx,Myd1tr guy i can't remember his tag (sorry man) etc. People who you can disagree with on certain things and they don't go around downvoting all of your posts in retaliation even if you are contributing healthily to the discussion.

A friend did warn me tho that certain Reddits are safe spaces for snowflakes so i was prepared lol :

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