Collecting DPs on Amex Missing Points

Sorry for the length...

1 Everyday, $150 spending for 1500 MR sign up bonus, 4 AUs, all using my name, did not activate, regular spend. Received first bonus immediately, did not receive others, cards shut down because they were not activated.

2 PRG, $500 spending for 5000 MR sign up bonus, 4 AUs, all using my name, activated via phone with my social, regular spend (one card did have a gift card on it, however). Received first bonus immediately, did not receive others, cards are still active.

Used chat after a couple weeks because no other bonuses received, told to check back after 8 weeks. Used chat after 8 weeks, told to check back after 12 weeks. Used chat after 12 weeks, told they could open an investigation, I would have to check back in 6-8 weeks. Called instead.

After calling to open the investigation, they called me in 3 days, after posting 2 bonuses. One was 9 weeks after spend, one was 12 weeks. Final card is 10 weeks in, but for some reason was not posted. I believe it was confused with Platinum bonus, so they thought all 4 had posted. I need to call back in two weeks to get this one to post.

Interesting note: The investigator noted that all cards were in my name. Didn't seem to care.

3 Platinum, $500 spending for 5000 MR sign up bonus, 4 AUs, all using my name, activated via phone with my social, regular spend. Received first bonus immediately, did not receive others, cards are still active.

Also, some good information here, specifically the comment by Rigo Leto. The problem with delayed bonuses seems to be registering multiple AUs at once (though this was in the text of the original offer).

As a result, if you get the first one, wait 12 weeks and call and have them open an investigation. If you do anything else - call prior to 12 weeks or chat at any point, it won't help (and chat will not open the investigation). If you don't call, you probably will not get the points.

If you have a new offer (with the targeted email), register one at a time, not all at once.

/r/churning Thread