Coming into Money

While I was waiting for you to respond, I picked up a check for $15k from a customer. It will stay in my wallet until Wednesday because I dont want to make an extra trip to the bank.

See, when I was starting my business I was looking for videos from others who had walked the road before me. I wanted to hear their story. 98% of small businesses fail but it seems like nobody ever talks about their failures or the lessons they learned. You never get a chance to hear how a true Entrepreneur learned the tough lessons, and what it really takes to run a real business. That is what I wanted to hear, but I never did find what I was looking for. Instead, you get polished images or see a final product. It's a lot of smoke and mirrors, or the successful people you do see are just too far down the road that it doenst seem like a "real" person can reach their level. So now that I have been self employed for 4 years I feel like I have enough experience and credibility to make the videos for other people. I want to share my story for the people who are interested. I want to make these videos, not to brag, but to show anyone who is interested in small business that they can do it too. I firmly believe that anybody can do anything as long as they put their mind to it...except for you. Your a loser.

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