Yes.. because games do not require "real skill"

Not remotely what I said but thank you for putting false words in mouth with quotation marks. At no point did I say it had no difficulty, just that it was relatively easy.

My point, which you apparently completely missed over two text posts dedicated to explaining it, was that video games are an artificial environment that are literally designed for you to succeed, and are so far removed from the ambiguous, complicated, lengthy, and unorganized context in which you develop real-life skills as to make any comparison of the difficutly of the two ridiculously lopsided. Frankly, learning how to play a game like Dark Souls is easy, and when compared to any kind of real skill, I would say laughably so.

I would say learning to program is more difficult than learning to swing a hammer.

Maybe you've never seen a master carpenter at work. The kinesthetic sense and interdisciplinary understanding developed over years of practice is a knowledge in and of itself that allows a master carpenter to rapidly and accurately drive nails with a single blow while constructing a house or other structure, resulting in a finished product that is completed with a higher degree of quality and safety than could be done by a less skilled person, and in much less time too. Developing those skills takes years of willful practice honing co-ordination and to put it into practical and useful application requires a good deal of interrelated woodworking or carpentry knowledge. This takes much time, practice, and self-driven learning and exploration. This is also considerably harder than playing a game designed so that average people can beat it with a small amount of time and effort.

Since at this point you're just ignoring what I've written and insulting me by putting words in my mouth I won't bother commenting further since I've already made my point and anyone interested in reading it already can without any further clarification.

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