Objectively Correct

If the formula aint broke, then there's no need to fix it. Honestly, FS could use the exact same formula they have been using and chuck into a different IP with some minor improvements and tweeks and I'd be happy everytime.

But I'd love to see more Sekiro type adaptions to this formula. Sekiro has pretty much most of the things which makes it a souls game but they drastically changed the combat to make it a totally unique variantion of this formula, and this is something they should definitely attempt again.

They only thing FS desperately needs is to upgrade their engine, and I wish Sony would work with FS and Bluepoint to intergrate their assets into the BP engine, as DeS detail and stellar performance is just unmatchable to FS's old engine. This would also allow FS to incorporate something that many players desperately want. A photo mode!

/r/shittydarksouls Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it