Make this comment section look like Los Pollos Hermanos employees group chat after everything became publicly known

Ok guys crazy story from the Albuquerque branch: one day this bald guy and some sketchy looking dudes came into our store asking to see our AM, Lyle’s “Balls.” We were all super confused and creeped out and by the time we had a chance to react he started yelling at us in Spanish, seemingly for not following his demands, then he lit a cigar (you guys know how crazy Fring was about our no smoking policy) after briefly pouring himself a drink, and then finally, he proceeded to shuffle behind the counter, pat Lyle on the back (so weird), and headed back to the boss’s office. In hindsight, he was probably one of Fring’s drug dealer buddies there to meet with “The Boss,” but we still like to pretend that some old cartel guy with bodyguards asked to see Lyle’s balls at work and we constantly give him shit about it (Lyle is the biggest bootlicker in the history of the company, trust me, it’s well deserved). Like “Hey cabron! Nice bulge today,” or “Been going down south of the border more ways than one lately, eh Lyle?”

On another note, I can’t believe we were forced to submit to those stupid drug tests all while our boss was supposedly selling the best meth in the world. Now that I think about it, Jeffrey the fry cook who got fired for popping on his urine test was probably buying drugs from Fring… damn…

Anyone else think this is a sign that it’s time to unionize? I don’t feel like we get paid enough to deal with all this shit AND the customers every day. Maybe it’s just me.

/r/okbuddychicanery Thread Link -