The community is so bipolar it is ridiculous at this point

There was literally no reason to shit on IW zombies or even Exo-Zombies or Extinction. All these are is additional co-op modes included in a Call of Duty game designed to give the community what they have grown accustomed too because Treyarch decided to make a Nazi Zombie bonus mode in World at War based on an idea for having a Last Stand style end credit scene where the player could fight it out in a bunker until they were eventually overran and died but Jesse Snyder decided to mess around with the idea and over time zombies was born. We get this mode because the community demands it and before it's even released we shit all over it and harass the developers.

These studios under Activisions control are in constant contact and collaborate with each other across the board yet we slate anyone who is not Treyarch because we feel they're ripping off another studios work yet these studios all work for one company who owns the franchise. Infinity Ward actually created the game in the first place and although Treyarch had the best games from WaW to BO2 there is no denying that the BO3 campaign was trash and the Infinite Warfare campaign was pretty awesome.

People need to stop the hate amongst studios. They try their best to keep us happy and if you don't like their product then simply skip it and leave it be. No need to constantly rant about something you don't like. No one gives a shit at the end of the day.

/r/CODZombies Thread