Community Gatekeeping Issues (Mostly on AVEN)

Anyone beyond a 101 level intro would know this already, and r/AcePhilosophy is for upper level discussions between established community members.

Really? You're gatekeeping in a thread about gatekeeping?

But moving on, to me, the underlying reason of three of your examples of gatekeeping looks like the split orientation model is not as well-established as it should be:

That anyone who pursues partnered sex for self-gratification cannot be asexual

Gatekeepers are preoccupied with the image of aromanticism and asexuality

Gatekeeping frequently arises from contexts involving mixed orientation relationships

If we need to be the "model" ace - preferably single, definately not interested in sex - to be accepted, I don't see split orientation is as recognized as it should be. I even like to include sexual behaviour (instead of "just" sexual and romantic orientation), because I see this as another big defining point. I also think this might make it a bit easier for allos to understand, as for example if you look at sex-workers, their sexual behaviour might be completely different from their sexual orientation.

You're saying that ace and aro are completely separate, which makes me wonder if you would also say that heterosexuality and heteroromanticism are completely separate?

Yes, I do, although of course there is a way bigger overlap, mainly because I think "single-sex" orientations don't need this seperation as much as we or bi/pansexuals do. Meaning, they usually don't think about is as much as we do, usually don't even know about the split orientation model.

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