Competitive Open Queue is gonna be interesting..

I'm obviously an OQ fan (1000+ hours) so 'mostly irrelevant' seems like a bland overgeneralization. Even if a small percentage is going to play OQ then that could easily hit a 100k. Plenty of players to consider (for balance). And my queue times are less then a minute with pretty balanced teams so comparing that to the 20 minute Role Queue times has me doubt what is more relevant. Having to wait that long and then having locked away 50% (or more) of the heroes seems like hell. But I can't argue against it being more popular so something is definitely working.

About comps. I bounce between diamond and gold so I can only speak for those ranks. But, goats falls apart pretty easily with a bunch of strangers. Communication isn't that strong here in Europe with all the different languages. So Goats never took off as much as RQ players seem to assume. Dive seems more effective over here, and I like Dive so I wouldn't mind having more Dive :P

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