[Complete] [57K] [Queer Romance] Shake Things Up

I'm reading your first chapter, and I really like that you start with the soon-to-be single person. <3 I see you have run-on sentence disease, a habit I've worked to break myself, because it makes prose flow better. And lets the reader take a breath. :D

But OMG, the confrontation is magnificent. Allie's a straight-up hero, and I'd like to beta-read for you, please. Hi! I'm Terri. I've lived & loved polyamorously for nearly 40 years. I've been a member of PolyTampa since just after 'polyamory' became the term for how we live (late '90s), and I've met people in many different configurations & philosophies. I have written a polyamorous superhero romance that is perhaps one draft away from 'final.' I have read...um...probably more than 800 recent/current romances in the last 3 years. I'm demisexual, and though I'm het, I adore the inclusiveness of queer romance.

/r/BetaReaders Thread