Congratulations everyone. You are truly inspiring.

I've never experienced anything like this before l, my mind went through so many childhood memories, tough times I had, porn videos I watched. My mind also started planning things, like how to upload tomorrow, or how to finish the challenge. When I started meditating for periods of time than I usually meditate, I started travelling to places; I drove my car to the car wash place and drove back home, all in my mind. I found memoriesin my mind, that I never knew I had. I found the dreams I had in the past, lurking in my mind too, including the nightmares I had when I was younger. I could picture these dreams in good quality too, almost like watching a movie/series in my mind. But remembering all of these past experiences just made me more hungry, as I was using my brain a lot. I also noticed that I could hear every little thing that was going on around me, like people playing football in the park, neighbours talking, family members talking, closing and opening doors and walking around. I started looking out the window and noticed details in my garden, like a Robin whistling, I saw its beak open every time it did. I lasted longer in time theorist mode than I thought I would of, but it was still very difficult. I had to switch to intermediate mode after 9 hours. I don't think I am addicted to Dopamine, but I think I use it as a tool to stop thinking negatively, especially at night. When I can't sleep, I distract myself by using my phone to watch videos. I recorded 2 hours of me doing time theorist mode, and I'l soon upload it on youtube. Man, what an experience this was!

/r/DopamineDetoxing Thread