Children suffering from anxiety and depression will be offered counselling at school under government plans to tackle a widely reported crisis in young people’s mental health...attempt to stop any psychological difficulties deepening into lifelong issues.

I remember a particular incident at my school where I had to see the school psychologist in middle school. My English teacher gave us a daily assignment where we had to write a 1 page journal entry. He would supply the first line and it was usually something personal like "I always wanted to do xyz". I was a bit of a smart ass in school and really hated writing the essays so I would frequently write something dark, negative, and ridiculous. Like "I put my dog in the microwave" (I didn't even have a dog). "The bunnies in my head tell me to do bad things". Cringeworthy and inappropriate but as a kid I had an odd sense of humor. I completely understand why my teacher may have thought that there was some truth to my essays or that it was unusual for a kid to write about. Anyway the teacher read my essays at the end of the semester and I was sent to see the school psychologist. I explained to her that my writings were fake but she didn't believe me. She took everything literally. She asked me if I hear voices, if I wanted to hurt myself or others and what's Pokemon and why I wrote about it so much. We had to write in marble notebooks, which my teacher called "marbles". I had like 30 pages that said something like "I hate writing in marbles". I think she thought I was writing on my balls. Anyway she recommended to my parents that I see a psychologist.

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