Congratulations to Sozos Michael (Helion Prime 2, Eons Enthroned, Planeswalker, Harmonize) for being the new singer of Gloryhammer!

I don't like calling it a crime but the thing with the N word is there's no leeway for first offenses anymore because in the age of information everyone knows what using it means. This isn't like misgendering someone or even using a previously acceptable slur that become offensive more recently (like with gay people). The N word has been a well known racially hateful slur for longer than anyone in the band has been alive. It's a deliberate choice to be hateful, to be racist, an apology doesn't undo that kind of thing because we know its in your heart now.

This isn't Donald Trump type quotes and speeches being misconstrued as maybe showing someone is racist, this is the definitive thing.

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