Constantly misgendered

I feel like your last idea kind of works, actually? Like, a selectively placed misgendering of a cis person could help reveal to your colleagues how silly it is that they are calling you the wrong thing.

Like imagine this: your coworkers are Brent and Mark (Trigger alert: misgendering OP twice, misgendering Brent three times)

||Brent: Hey Mark you could ask OP to help with your project, she is good at handling interactions with Crumple LLC.

Mark: yeah she is, hey OP you wanna help w this?

OP: sure! And Brent can add her own expertise too, she's got a contact at Crumple from when she worked there before.||

Add an easygoing tone and a conspiratorial smile so they realize you're not mad at them, just gently correcting.

Could make them think of misgendering in a way they hadn't before.

/r/queer Thread