Content Policy update. AMA Thursday, July 16th, 1pm pst.

I'm sure you're familiar with the report by the Southern Poverty Law Center that says Reddit now hosts some of the "most violently racist content on the Internet." This has been exacerbated since Ferguson, and especially Baltimore. The problem is that these people aren't self-segregating in places like /r/CoonTown; they're actively infiltrating the default subs (e.g. /r/news, /r/videos, /r/dataisbeautiful), submitting and upvoting content that gives them a platform to spread their bullshit through seemingly lighthearted and innocuous comments. Here is a perfect example. Notice how all the sensible comments are downvoted below the threshold. Notice, also, that the content was posted to /r/CoonTown and /r/niggervideos before it found its way to /r/videos. This is precisely why /r/CoonTown has grown to 18,000 subscribers in 7 months. It is also why Reddit is the largest and most effective place for white supremacists to recruit and indoctrinate young white suburbanites. This is dangerous. Dylann Roof murdered eight people after reading the same copypasta bullshit that you find spamming the comment sections of our default subs. If you don't believe me, read his manifesto. It reads like many of the comments I've seen upvoted on this site.

For anyone who needs a refresher about what was going on during Ferguson and Baltimore, refer to this excellent comment by /u/mach-2.

My question is this: are you okay with your website being the training ground for a new wave of white supremacism? And if not, what are you going to do about the racist bullshit that has been permeating here for the last six months?

Either way, some people are going to leave. I would rather the admins disenfranchise the racists, pedophiles, and other generally shitty shitty groups of people, than the silent majority that no longer wants to be associated with the most hateful place on the Internet. Remember, Reddit is not the U.S. government, and you are not held to the same standard when it comes to the First Amendment. Reddit is a website that you created, and which you are ultimately responsible for. I hope in the future you can say you did the right thing and that you're proud to be associated with the community you created.

/r/announcements Thread