Could anyone identify this tarantula?

Theraphosa is my guess. To tell difference between blondi and stirmi look at the tarantula’s knees (patella). If the long hairs stop right before patella, it is a stirmi. If they continue to the patella, it is a blondi. Difficult for me to tell in photo and I’m an not an expert. I hope someone can give you a clear identification.

Beautiful and massive tarantula, cannot believe it was left at a thrift shop. Looks like it’s 2nd leg from the bottom (left side of looking from the bottom) is damaged in picture? Hopefully it will heal with next molt if this is the case. Could be just how it looks in the photo!

If it is a theraphosa, watch for the hairs they can kick at you. They can be very irritating and theraphosas are known for this. Despite their size, they are incredibly fast.

They love lots of substrate and humidity. The abdomen is small, please feed it several roaches. At 7inches that won’t be a problem for it. Lastly, make sure to provide a water dish!

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