Need Advice: Are they nice sometimes?

This is precisely what my STBXW has done to me for the last 15 years. Tried to convince me that I am the crazy one, and I never remember things as they actually happen.

She was nice to me most of the time, but when she wasn't, she was cruel. My story in a nutshell...and there is more to it than just this.

I had a mini-stroke 3 years ago. She dropped me off at the ER and said "call when u want to come home". I could barely talk at all.

I had a major surgery on my large bowel over a year later, and I saw her 2 times in the 11 days I was recovering. She stayed for about 20 minutes total. They didn't think I was going to make it the first 2 days, because my body wasn't cooperating with the procedure.

The past January, I fractured my ankle. She saw me, she said "my life just sucks", walked into the kitchen, and made herself some lunch. She called out to me from the kitchen and said "can you wait 30 minutes while I eat". I'm crying in pain, but I said "sure" because I didn't want to upset her any more than she already was. Once I got the cast on, she forced me to crawl up the stairs to the upstairs bedroom, after I begged her to keep me in the downstairs room, then she disappeared for 2 weeks. I had to get myself to the bathroom, I had to bathe myself, I had no one to interact with (aside from my sweet kids who would come up and try to play Wii).

These people are deranged, and sick. I filed for divorce over a month ago. She's the happiest I have ever seen her. The day I moved out, I had been crying the entire day, she calls me laughing and yucking it up and having a great time with the kids at the zoo...completely oblivious to what is going on.

/r/NarcissisticAbuse Thread