This cover of a book about LSD as a new treatment for autism

To offer another perspective, I understand that it is just as impossible for the world to bend to the way I am then for me to bend to the way the world is. Probably more impossible, honestly, since human anthropology has evolved to be the way that it is for a reason, over many millennia. While I can’t control society and can’t expect them to reorder themselves around my needs, I can control myself and I can learn ways to fit in to society as it is. I can learn how to present more neurotypically, and I’m very appreciative that I’ve been able to learn to do that pretty well. Obviously it’s superficial, but I’m okay with the people who knowing me well knowing who I am. Being an;e to operate otherwise in a neurotypical world is tremendously helpful though. I feel like I’m not limited to careers or lifestyles that cater to my needs.

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