Crackin on Disciples and Fans

But first, I have to cast the money changers out of the temple.

I'll be Rude, Crude, .... and SUBDUED!!!! <hey Andy!>

Jesus was NOT the Prince of Peace as the pagans believe. Didn't Come to Bring PEACE, CAME to bring the SWORD, "TRUTH" that will separate you from your friends, your family, and your church. To divide the light from the dark.


Don't you hate when you go drink a beer on Friday night and some FANatic is using a megaphone to preach to you? Don't worry, he's not really a Christian... he's a pagan. He certainly does not follow Christ.

Don't you hate when some newly saved FANatic first "get it" that he has to come to your door to "save" you... and then you find out the SOB never even read the bible? I mean cover to cover... more than once. WTF? He's in like kindergarten and trying to teach you without having read the teachers manual? HOLY SMOKE!

How do you know a Fan from a Disciple? Fans go to every concert, every Sunday. Fans have all the T-shirts, Souvenirs, and Posters. Fans know the words to every song. Fans worship. Disciples follow.

Fans... are like.... stalkers...or maybe... followers of Ghandi or Dr. King.... who are militant. ROTF!!!! followers of Christ that don't teach what he taught? Thou shalt not kill but it's OK to bomb an abortion clinic. DERP!!! Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord... and a man claiming to be Christian kills another? ABSURD... a Contradiction.


Fans are so caught up in stuff of religion, the training wheels, that they can't ride without them. The stuff of religion as in do dads, trinkets, rituals, and rites.

The do-dads and crap on the side of the road!! PAGANS!!!!! Don't want to be reminded of the dead every time I drive down the road. The appropriate place for pagan SHRINES is the in the FRIGGIN GRAVEYARD!!!!! GAH pagans!!!. why can't the follow the commandment... NO FRIGGIN GRAVEN IMAGES.

What started as a little cross has now grown fantastically out of proportion... each pagan trying to outdo each other. Flowers, paintings, statues... BRICK!!!! If they keep going and getting carried away, I can easily see a future that enacts legislation to remove these eyesores as they get out of hand.

PLEASE, STOP!!! bombarding me with your dead relatives and friends. I have enough of my own. Too many.

The path to enlightenment... involves learning to ride the spiritual bike without the damn training wheels. That's for kids.

It is a three legged stool. A pyramid of three sides.

  • Increase Goodness: Be good to each other
  • Increase Sacrifice: practice giving up what you want. take control of your self's wants.
  • Increase Knowledge: Ignorance is a bad thing.

There is no room for superstition and ignorance.

Only when you exercise all three principles of the way, will you find enlightenment. The "eye" at the top represents the ability so "see what I mean"... it represents vision... the ability to see forever.

Exercise just one or two, and you will be subject to nature. Yeah, the Lions, and Tigers, and Bears will eat you.