C'thun Rogue Nailbiter (Kibler)

I loved the clip. C'Thun Rogue is one of my favourite decks ATM, I run it all the time in my alt NA account and it's a blast. I love how people emote when they find out (too late usually) that you're running C'Thun. But my approach is very different to /u/Kibler 's.

My first legendary there (NA) was Malygos so I had invested almost all my limited collection in rogue class cards. On WotOG release date I got a Blade of C'Thun and decided to dust everything I didn't want and craft Xaril and a Shadowcaster because, why not? And ended up with this list that got me to Rank 10 in almost no time (I usually play in EU) and in june's season, just three days ago, I've climbed in a very short session with it R19 to R15 without a single loss. Not bad for an adventureless F2P homebrew list I guess. It's basically kind of a Malyrogue but with C'Thun as finisher and with a little more board presence and more removal.

2x backstab, 2x preparation, 1x journey Below, 2x eviscerate, 1x sap, 2x shiv, 1x undercity huckster, 1x beckoner of evil, 1x fan of knives, 2x shadow strike, 2x SI:7 agent, 2x disciple of C'Thun, 2x Earthern Ring Farseer, * Xaril, 1x C'Thun's Chosen, 1x Shadowcaster, 2x Azure Drake, 2x Gadgetan Auctioneer, 1x Blade of C'Thun * Cthun.

Why am I sharing this here? Well, because I'm egocentrically proud of it, I guess lol. And to, maybe, inspire some of the F2P players out there. I'd even say I might be actually enjoying more playing in my "alt adventureless f2p" NA account than in my "almost F2P too but not quite, much much older, and with all adventures" EU account because of it. No need to netdeck and buy adventures to have fun and not lose miserably at this game.

/r/hearthstone Thread Link - youtube.com