Started playing in Fall 2018. Top leveled out within 2 years. And now whenever they add a new level, I guess my closet value is high enough to get it.

I think it was easier then. The flashback prizes tended to be worth more in general. And nice, prize winning items are more expensive now it seems.

That said, here is my advice:

  1. Join a Fashion House (FH) that plays fierce.
    First off, you're gonna get HA with out spending cash.
    Secondly, assuming they clear the board each month, that will add up quickly.
    Thirdly, competing in the rallies will help you with the weekly spree items.

I really cannot emphasize how much a really great fashion house can make a difference, but it can take a few tries to find a really well organized and supportive one.

  1. If you're able to access Tapjoy offers, do a few every time they have double diamonds. If you can afford to purchase items thru Tapjoy offer (like the Oil of Olay, do so during double diamonds....really gives you a nice chunk of change to use in game.

Anytime doing Tapjoy always, always, always take acreenshots of initial offer and when you have completed, just in case you have to submit a ticket.

  1. Even if not rallying, do each daily.

  2. Short of covet cash? If not rallying, do every daily and every $100 or $200 where you don't have to purchase any items. Don't worry about OOS or maxing unworn....the goal here is just to build up your bank again. Often you can use OIS to complete the reqs if you're not worried about maxing.

  3. Collect every daily 20 diamonds (adds up).

  4. Always watch videos for diamonds whenever available (again, adds up].

  5. If you can, always max unworn and in season (unless doing #4 above). And always borrow if possible.

  6. If you can afford it, buy the three most expensive items in each Flashback fashion pack, even if not doing that particular flashback. You will be surprised how often you will be able to use the items in future flashbacks. Plus great way to boost your total wardrobe value.

  7. Unless the HA and/or the prop pack is really worth it, don't waste covet money trying to complete those challenges if not rallying. Many HA and props are rarely used after their initial release and aren't worth the hassle.

  8. Don't waste real world money on HA. Most either have two or three redundant ones or are used maybe just once or twice a year (if ever). Basic HA needs are a wedding veil, crown, flowers crown, elf/fairy, hijab, and a dark/evil queen crown.

If you can afford it the original mermaid HA (not the upside-down ice cream cones one) and a steam punk one is also very handy.

I haven't been playing much lately so I don't know if they are still doing pirate challenges, but it is very handy if they are.

Beyond that, it becomes difficult to decide which HA is better, the butterflies or the older HA of flowers that aren't a crown.

  1. Covet Pass. I had this, gave it up when I stopped playing regularly, but reality is, if you want to score over 5 on a regular basis, you're gonna need this pass unless you are a really good stylist. It sucks, but it's true.

That said, if you're not going to purchase a covet pass, don't jump on buying every covet house item that comes up...there are some you will only use a few times at most and usually you can find someone to borrow the item from.

  1. There are Facebook groups that can help give you ideas of trends for challenges. Not sure what the good ones are anymore. I do remember using Covet Fashion Angel's. I recommend using two that offer different takes on the challenges to help you if you need it.

With the Facebook groups and covet only friends...I don't know if Facebook had started to crack down on this, but it can help to create a believe able fake FB profile if you have privacy concerns, don't want to clutter your personal feed, etc.

I don't use FB much, so there may be ways to control this with which I am not familiar. I used my profile so I could borrow items, but unfriended all those ppl so I could see my personal feed more easily once I stopped playing regularly.

Can't help with clones....I never went that way.

That's all off the top of my head. Longer than I expected it to. Whoops.

Good luck!

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