Curious, what would you guys grade this climb?

All dynos are dynamic, but only some dynamic moves are dynos.

A dyno is when you use your whole body to launch yourself airborne. All four contact points (both hands and both feet, plus everything else) leave the wall.

This is a dyno. So is this.

A jump start (like the first dynamic move in your video) is not dyno. It just means the setter put the starting handholds too high to reach from the floor. You're only jumping with your feet. You're not using your whole body to launch yourself like with a dyno.

The second "dynamic" move in your video is just the climber throwing his hand and then cutting his feet loose. A lot of climbers could make that move statically but if you do it like in the video, it's just a short throw.

A really big throw can be called a deadpoint if you're throwing to the limit of your reach but still have at least one contact point on the wall. It's almost a dyno, but it's still not a dyno.

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